International Journal of Role-playing 13 -- Full Issue -- IJRP
analog role-playing games, education, meaning making, personal development, identity, gender, sexuality, educational, Jubensha, symbolism, depth psychology, ritual, mythAbstract
IJRP 13: Full Issue
Table of Contents
Sarah Lynne Bowman, William J. White, and Evan Torner, "Editorial: Transformative Play Seminar 2022: Education,
Personal Development, and Meaning Making”
This special issue is the first of a two-part series collecting the short articles presented during the Transformative Play Initiative Seminar, held at Uppsala University Campus Gotland in Visby, Sweden on October 20-21, 2022.
Maryanne Cullinan
and Jennifer Genova, “Gaming the Systems: A Component Analysis Framework
for the Classroom Use of RPGs”
This article presents guidelines for constructing educational experiences with learning role-playing games (LRPGs) based on specific learning objectives, including academic skills, social emotional skills, and executive functioning skills.
Josefin Westborg, “The Educational Role-Playing Game Design Matrix:
Mapping Design Components onto Types of Education”
This article offers categories for understanding different facets of learning and role-playing games, including setting, purpose, framing, type of processing, and learning objectives. Types of games categorized include leisure, stand-alone educational RPGs, RPGs in education, and Educational RPGs.
Aditya Anupam, "Playing the Belly of the Beast: Games for Learning Strategic Thinking in Tech Ethics"
This article discusses the design of an interactive digital narrative the author is developing called Lights Out Warehouse, which is geared toward engineering students in universities. The game explores ethical issues around automated labor and organizing.
Xiong Shuo,
Ruoyu Wen, and
Huijuan Zheng, “The Player Category Research of Murder Mystery Games”
This article introduces the development process of Jubensha in China. Inspired by Bartle’s (1996) Player Taxonomy the authors build a model of a player typology for MMG, including the professor, braggart, conqueror, detective, actor, politician, socializer, and viewer.
Miguel Angel Bastarrachea
Magnani, “A Coin with Two Sides:
Role-Playing Games as Symbolic Devices”
This article explores RPGs through the lens of philosophy and depth psychology. He discusses their ritual and mythic nature and how these elements converge as symbols.
Ayça Durmus and
Sedef Topcuoglu, “Self Arcana: A Self-Reflective, Story-Based Tarot Game”
This article discusses the development of Self Arcana, a role-playing game involving drawing one’s own tarot cards and engaging in storytelling in order to achieve greater self-insight. The authors offer a duoethnography featuring their experiences designing and playing the game.
Giuseppe Femia, “A Reparative Play in Dungeons & Dragons”
This article highlights RPGs’ potential for reparative play in which participants can express queer identities. The author includes an autoethnographic account of his experiences in Dungeons & Dragons, which allowed him to express his assexuality in meaningful ways.
Albert R. Spencer, “The Vampire Foucault:
Erotic Horror Role-Playing Games as a Technologies of the Self”
This article describes the potential of erotic horror role-playing games such as in the World of Darkness to provide opportunities for transformative bleed.
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How to Cite
Copyright (c) 2023 Sarah Lynne Bowman, William J. White, Evan Torner, Maryanne Cullinan, Jennifer Genova, Josefin Westborg, Aditya Anupam, Shuo Xiong, Ruoyu Wen, Huijuan Zheng, Miguel Angel Bastarrachea Magnani, Ayça Durmus, Sedef Topcuoglu, Giuseppe Femia, Albert R. Spencer

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.