Edu-Larping for Career Design


  • Magdalene Loh



larp, role-playing, career development, students


Career Design can be effectively taught through experiential learning and gamification. This paper explains the basis and structure of the Career Design Life Game, and examines the research undergirding the game. Created for the purpose of helping participants better understand the job market in today’s volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) world, the game mimics the actual world of school and jobs. Career advancement methods differ in each job family and are designed by industry practitioners. Character statistics are based on Howard Gardner’s theory of Multiple Intelligences and Paul Tough’s synthesis of Performance Character. They are also drawn from a broader body of research on growth mindset and grit. Real-world learning points, like the importance of continuous learning, are built in for participants to pick up through experiential gameplay. At the end of the game, participants are invited to consider “Wit, Grit and Fit”: how their interests and skills may be gainfully employed for meaningful careers; what sacrifices they are prepared to make for that goal; and what sorts of jobs are the best fit for them. They are given tools to continue exploring their wit, grit and fit in the real world.




How to Cite

Loh, M. (2018). Edu-Larping for Career Design. International Journal of Role-Playing, (8), 10–14.